Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Road trip to the Rio Tigre

Another early start and back to photograph the Black-faced Antthrush at the very crack of first light, hence the extensive flash required:

We walked out across the river to our vehicle and then headed on to our eventual destination the Rio Tigre crossing.

We stopped on the way to see a Great Antshrike:

Close-by a White-necked Jacobin was perched;

At another stop we saw a Ruddy-Ground Dove:

And an unexpected Ruddy-breasted Seedeater:

Approaching the bridge where we were going to be looking for Cotingas, we saw a small group of Bare-throated Tiger-Herons, this one was kind enough to display, enabling a cracking image (in my opinion anyway!):

While waiting for the Cotingas to come in I photographed a Grey-capped Flycatcher:

As well as a Spot-crowned Euphonia:

We did eventually see, through a scope, both Snowy and Turquoise Cotingas, lovely birds and ones I hope to be able to photograph one day.

Back to the car, a Turkey Vulture was dining on some very aged scraps of road kill:

We drove to a mangrove forest, where this symmetry caught my eye:

And then on to a mangrove beach, where we saw our first Mangrove Hummingbirds:

That afternoon we took ourselves out on a walk and were chuffed to get a really good view of Baird's Trogon:

We headed back into the forest outside of the grounds, stopping to photograph this fungus:

Before settling in front of a tree frequeted by hummingbirds including this Blue-throated Goldentail:

We enjoyed our time at the lodge, it was a good place to both see lots of birds and to enjoy the food and company.


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