birding walks around Bosque del Rio Tigre
We had a number of walks around the grounds at Bosque Del Rio Tigre. They have some remarkable birds including the locally endemic Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager:
And in one clearing a beautiful Golden-naped Woodpecker:
In the forest we managed a brief view of Orange-collared Manakin:
These birds even frequent the banana feeders:
A lovely Cherrie's Tanager:
The outstanding Red-legged Honeycreeper:
A Riverside Wren with prey:
At one point we ended up by the local river and watched a Blue-Grey Tanager bathing:
An Amazon Kingfisher was sat patiently looking for small fish:
At a pond we saw Boat-billed Herons:
And in one clearing a beautiful Golden-naped Woodpecker:
In the forest we managed a brief view of Orange-collared Manakin:
Paltry Tyrannulet:
And another local specialist, the Baird's Trogon:
The following morning on our last full day we had a road trip to the Rio Tigre planned to try and locate Cotingas...
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