Etosha Park first afternoon
On the way in to Etosha you have to stop at the park gates and pay a fee. While Gys did that we mooched around the site, snapping Rock Martin:
Southern Grey-headed Sparrow:
Southern Masked Weaver:
Fork-tailed Drongo:
Almost immediately we entered the park, we saw Zebra:
And Giraffe:
Further along the road towards our accommodation, we spotted Grey-backed Sparrow-Lark:
These together with Stark's Lark seemed to make up the majority of the birds in the dry grassy areas:

We stopped off at a water hole, seeing Southern Brown Snake Eagle:
Fighting Springboks:
and Green-winged Pytilla:
The rare trees along the road seemed to draw life in, including this Chat Flycatcher:
Scaly-feathered Finch:
Soaring above, a White-backed Vulture:
More unidentified Larks - this was where we really needed a bird guide proper, as well as knowing the best birding spots and the intent of the itinerary we'd have had more success learning and being able to identify some of the tougher species:
So a government dinner buffet - which meant salad and vegetables for us veggies was washed down with some cool beer and an early night.
Southern Grey-headed Sparrow:
Southern Masked Weaver:
Fork-tailed Drongo:
Almost immediately we entered the park, we saw Zebra:
And Giraffe:
Further along the road towards our accommodation, we spotted Grey-backed Sparrow-Lark:
These together with Stark's Lark seemed to make up the majority of the birds in the dry grassy areas:

At one point we stopped to ID a bird. Being naturally curious it took advantage of the new shade source and wandered over to cool down. A very confiding and amusing Red-capped Lark:
We stopped off at a water hole, seeing Southern Brown Snake Eagle:
Fighting Springboks:
and Green-winged Pytilla:
The rare trees along the road seemed to draw life in, including this Chat Flycatcher:
Kori's Bustard looking for shade and mimicking a tree stump:
Namaqua Dove:
Pale Chanting Goshawk:
A herd of Springboks:
Red-headed Finch:
Scaly-feathered Finch:
More unidentified Larks - this was where we really needed a bird guide proper, as well as knowing the best birding spots and the intent of the itinerary we'd have had more success learning and being able to identify some of the tougher species:
Back at the camp, the Cape Glossy Starlings hovered around the human feeding areas:
So a government dinner buffet - which meant salad and vegetables for us veggies was washed down with some cool beer and an early night.
Labels: Birding in Namibia
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