Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Panama - Volcan Lake and Volcan

From Boquete we left early and headed up to Volcan, stopping at every river to try and see (but failing) a Torrent Tyrannulet.   Hey ho.  Three Central America trips and still not seen one!

We headed first to Volcan Lakes, which was quite tough going, even in a 4x4 and frustrating too.  We did see a few species, like this Rose-throated Becard:

and a lovely butterfly on the floor of the forest:

But overall the place was quite empty of species:

It became apparent why when 4x4s pulling waterbikes drove past, into the protected forest lakes area.   So much for the 'protection'.

We headed on somewhat forelorn to Cielito Sur which is closer to Volcan and higher-up than Boquete.

At last we were staying somewhere where birds are central to the property.   They have trails, fruit feeders, hummingbird feeders, home-grown and home-made coffee (which was fantastic).  We sat down and just watched, spending a delightful afternoon relaxing and recuperating.

Birds included Blue-gray Tanager:

Green Violet-ear:

Rose-breasted Grosbeak:

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird:

Silver-throated Tanager:

Slaty Flowerpiercer:

and Yellow-throated Euhpnoia:

Lovely place, spacious rooms, relaxing, quiet, comfortable and great birds!


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