Uganda - afternoon, Monday March 7th - Bwindi
As we headed toward Bwindi on a long, rough and rocky road, Harriet pointed out a Mackinnon's Fiscal perched close to the road:

I just wish I'd caught it in flight. The outer half of the wing (primaries) are bright red in contrast to the rest of the wing feathers, a dark blue. It really is an outstanding bird to watch. 
We hit the sack early on the basis we needed to be up really very early (04:00 local, 01:00 UK time) for the trip to Roheja on Tuesday morning. We also noted at this point that the wireless coverage was patchy and charging our stuff was problematic as the charging points provided in the restaurant, when the generator was on (about six hours/day for meal times) was at a lower voltage that our stuff needed. Hey ho...
We checked in to the the Buhoma Community Camp, no sign of any Gorillas (we'd decided against a one-day trek at $500 per person to see the now very rare Mountain Gorillas). Instead we'd decided to focus on the birds. In talking with Harriet it become clear that the itinerary we'd suggested based on our own research was less than optimal and in fact our plans took us nowhere near the optimal habitat for the numerous Albertine Rift Endemic bird species. This showed-up a weakness in the booking process, a non-birder admin type person had managed the booking and itinerary and had cut and pasted from previous ones. The counter to this was the fact that there and then we changed the itinerary. We couldn't alter the accommodation booking - however, we could head out next morning from Buhoma to Roheja, the more likely spot, and a 2-hour drive from Buhoma. We agreed.
We took then a short-walk around the camp to add a few more species, including White-chinned Prinia:
And a splendid bird, Ross's Turaco:

I just wish I'd caught it in flight. The outer half of the wing (primaries) are bright red in contrast to the rest of the wing feathers, a dark blue. It really is an outstanding bird to watch.
A smaller but also very distinct bird, a Green-headed Sunbird:

Brown-headed Weavers had noted the changing weather and were collecting nesting materials for weaving:

Brown-headed Weavers had noted the changing weather and were collecting nesting materials for weaving:

We hit the sack early on the basis we needed to be up really very early (04:00 local, 01:00 UK time) for the trip to Roheja on Tuesday morning. We also noted at this point that the wireless coverage was patchy and charging our stuff was problematic as the charging points provided in the restaurant, when the generator was on (about six hours/day for meal times) was at a lower voltage that our stuff needed. Hey ho...
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