2 days in Albuquerque - lunchtime Monday 28 February
From Bosque Del Apache we drove back to Albuquerque and up to Scania Ridge (following Linda Chittum's suggestion - thank you Linda), a promising birding spot at the top of the mountain overlooking Albuquerque:

The ridge was virtually deserted apart from a few hardy tourists and sightseers, mostly locals. The cafe was, however, open so for $2 each for some rough coffee and passable tea, you get to sit outside and watch the feeders. Which is exactly what we'd hoped for!
Loads of birds gathered together in one spot, included White-bellied Nuthatch:

Steller's Jay:

Mountain Chickadee:

Dark-eyed Junco:

And for me the stars of the show, Rosy Finches, first Grey-capped Rosy-Finches (again I don't believe these to be the same species as those we saw on St Paul Island, in May 2010, as they've been too separate for too long):

The view from the top really is stunning and well worth a visit, as it's a surprisingly short drive from downtown Albuquerque:

The ridge was virtually deserted apart from a few hardy tourists and sightseers, mostly locals. The cafe was, however, open so for $2 each for some rough coffee and passable tea, you get to sit outside and watch the feeders. Which is exactly what we'd hoped for!
Loads of birds gathered together in one spot, included White-bellied Nuthatch:

Steller's Jay:

Mountain Chickadee:

Dark-eyed Junco:

And for me the stars of the show, Rosy Finches, first Grey-capped Rosy-Finches (again I don't believe these to be the same species as those we saw on St Paul Island, in May 2010, as they've been too separate for too long):
And Black Rosy-Finches:
It would appear Helen managed to capture your correspondent unawares whilst snapping away at the birds:

The view from the top really is stunning and well worth a visit, as it's a surprisingly short drive from downtown Albuquerque:
Still, not done yet, one more place to visit back in the city itself...
Labels: birding, birding in Albuquerque, birding in New Mexico
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