Friday, March 10, 2017

Panama - Birding in Darien day 2

The following morning, with Helen feeling better and me in full flow of illness, we headed with the group to a local spot, the land owned and managed by a 'hero of Panama' a Francisan Monk who managed a collective for farming, the development of the original indigenous people and outside of that for conservation.  The conditions were overcast so while seeing a lot I wasn't able to generate many good images.   This is one exception, a Black-throated Trogon:

We also saw a sloth actually moving, a first for this trip:

Weird bare marked patch on the back, no idea what that's about:

We also saw a lifer, the Great Jacamar:

Back at the hotel Avicar for lunch, we watched fewer hummingbirds in the rain, including this Long-billed Starthroat:

In the afternoon we headed towards the end of the road near Yaviza, birding along it, seeing a number of species again including this Rufescent Tiger-Heron:

And a pair of Rufous-tailed Jacamars:

That night we checked into the Hotel Felicidad, which was decidedly rough, though saying that it was very secure, and once we'd brushed out the dead insects, the dried rat droppings from the bathroom and shooed away the cockroach, the room itself was clean and the bed comfortable, it was also quiet.

Dinner was a let down, basically if you're vegetarian the options are rice, beans (lentils in a gravy), chips and that's it.   We went to the local supermarket bought bread, salad stuff, etc., and ate in our room instead.

Another slight concern, one of our group had a cough/cold but hadn't learned to cover his mouth or nose when coughing and sneezing....


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