Alaska Holiday - Day 2, Bellingham
The glorious weather continued, a definite aid to photography. A Song Sparrow perched alongside the trail:

In an adjacent field a Savannah Sparrow, one of a pair and distinctively pale with the accompanying yellow eye-stripe:

This Swallowtail butterfly looks damaged but seemed to moving about 'normally':

A female Brown-headed Cowbird:

The tide was a long way out (note to self - check tides for timing of any future visit), and there was a fun run organised along the raised walkway overlooking the bay, so I turned and headed back to the trees at the start of the trail, hoping to pick-up some interesting birds we'd seen earlier. This species was our first 'lifer' of the holiday, a Bullock's Oriole:

It's good to see this bird has made a real comeback with numbers visibly increased even from our previous visit in the summer of 2007.

Here a female:

From Padilla Bay, we carried on with Alison to Washington Park for a look around and to eat our packed lunch. It's fair to say that this proved to be an unexpectedly rewarding birding opportunity. Fly-bys included Pelagic Cormorant:
I note they have a longer bill than Herring Gulls but also the grey and white tail (actually their primary wing feathers) is the most distinguishing feature.
Having finished lunch we completed the circuit of the park (collecting a map for future use of the trails - definitely somewhere we intend to come back to) and stopped for a 'scenic overlook':
A House Finch looked scruffy in the wind:

From Washington Park we headed back towards Bellingham, stopping first at Boulevard Park. This time the sunshine had brought out the crowds; the birding was still good, though, including a pair of Harlequin Ducks viewable from the Boulevard that extends out from the shoreline:
Labels: bird identification, birding in Bellingham, birding in Washington State
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