Friday, April 28, 2006

A new chapter

I completed my digiscoping kit today and took my first snap of this House Sparrow bathing in the bird bath in my garden. It's a little out of focus but has highlighted to me what I can achieve in the coming months and years with a little patience!

The blog has been and will remain quiet for around a month as we've bought a house and are spending all of our spare time decorating and preparing to move in. The house itself has a much bigger garden than the current one, and I've already set up a feeding pole with 2 feeders to attract birds into the garden.

When we move in we'll start a new garden list to see what species we attract. In addition we'll be planting 100ft of native hedging including trees and I'll be posting a series of updates on The Hedge Project, as we hope this will have a significant benefit for the local birds in terms of habitat and food stocks, over the coming years.



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